
Tensile strength testing is one of the most common tests performed on a material. We have sourced a variety of reliable tensile strength measuring instruments and equipment to help you gather accurate results and insight. Take a look at the products below or contact our sales team for expert advice and guidance.

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Tensile strength testing is one of the most common tests performed on a material used to determine mechanical or tensile strength. Our tensile testing machines can be employed across a wide range of sectors and provide you with highly accurate results in break strength, ultimate tensile strength (UTS), yield strength, and modulus of elasticity. 

Among our many tensile strength testing systems, we have a wide range of specialised systems including; single column UTMs, twin column universal testing machines, either electromechanical or servo-hydraulic. With test frame force ranges from 1 kN to 6000 kN. AML also supply a wide range of grip & fixtures, extensometers and also sample cutters alongside our materials testing machines. 

AML Instruments are leaders in the field of instrumentation and calibration expertise. We pride ourselves on our customer service, competitive pricing and UKAS accreditation. If you’re looking for tensile strength testers or require calibration, we have the solution for your needs.