Constant Climate Chambers

Constant climate chambers are used to simulate specific environmental conditions (temperature and humidity control), so different sectors and industries can determine how test specimens will behave under defined climate conditions.

Typical applications include ICH stability testing and the development of plant-based meat alternatives. Also, check out our KBP P and KBF LQC Series, which come with a ICH-compliant light source for photostability tests.

If low noise levels and energy consumption are a priority for your business, we also supply the KBF-S ECO Series climatic chamber. This is one of the most energy-efficient constant climate chambers on the market, with its annual energy consumption up to 75% lower than compressor-based units.

Wherever stability, shelf-life, and aging tests are required, we can help you find the right constant climate chamber for your application, alongside the promise of reliable long-term operation.

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