Compressive Strength Testing Equipment

Compressive Strength Testing Equipment, AML has a wide range of testing equipment for just about any compressive strength test. From Box Compression Testers for the solid board, corrugated board and packaging industries, to equipment that is suitable for every other material and industry.

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Compressive Strength Equipment

What ever your compressive testing need we can help. Materials be often provide solutions for.

  • Corrugated board
  • Composites
  • Plastics
  • Packaging
  • Assembled components and parts
  • Load cells

We had dedicated compressive testing equipment as well as universal testing machines that can also make many other tests such as tensile etc.

As well as testing at ambient temperature we can offer solutions for testing at elevated or reduced temperature and or humidity.

Contact us today and our experienced engineers will help you select the correct test equipment for your needs.