ECT Edge Crush Test Sample Cutter | AML Instruments

ECT Edge Crush Test Sample Cutter

ECT Edge Crush Test Sample Cutter

Manufactured by Techlab Systems

ECT Sample Cutter for the preparation of high precision samples for ECT edge crush test (edgewise crush resistance) on corrugated board.

Pneumatically operated twin blade sample cutter that cuts cleanly through the board. Ensuring accurate and repeatable test results.

  • Cuts corrugated board up to 15mm thick
  • Designed with safety and easy of use in mind
  • Heavy duty & robust design

ECT Edge Crush Test Sample Cutter Conforms to the requirements of the following standards

BS EN ISO 3037 ISO 3037, Fefco T8, Tappi T 839, T 838 T 811

Width of sample cut (specify at time of order)

25 mm +/- 0.5 mm (Fefco)

50.8 mm +/- 1.6 mm (2.00″ +/- 0.063″)

31.8 +/- 1.6 mm (1.25 +/- 0.063″)

38.1 +/- 1.6 mm (1.50 +/- 0.063″)

Manufacture by TLS Techlab Systems in Spain

Need help? We supply blades, calibration and repair services for all brands of ECT cutter. 

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