Single Column Universal Testing Machines 1 kN to 5 kN | AML Instruments

Single Column Universal Testing Machines 1 kN to 5 kN

Single Column Universal Testing Machines 1 kN to 5 kN

Manufactured by Techlab Systems

Single Column Universal Testing Machines 1 kN to 5 kN

Our lower capacity materials testing machines are suited to a wide range of test types and materials such as:

Tensile, Peel, Flextual, Compressive, Shear & Puncture.

Manufactured in Spain by TLS / Metrotec

Powerful software with full database capability

Single Column Universal Testing Machines models with a capacity of 1 kN & 5 kN5 kN Universal Testing Machine

  • Load cells available: 5kN, 3kN, 1kN,  500N, 250N, 100N, 50N,  10N
  • Accuracy: +/- 0,5 % (EN ISO 7500:2004 Class 0.5 ASTM E4)
  • Large working range of 2 to 100% of rated capacity
  • Electromechanical drive, with closed loop control
  • As standard the materials testing machine is supplied with a laptop and METROTEST materials testing software
  • Large workspace & test area for a wide variety of grips and fixtures
  • Ergonomically designed, robust and precise
  • Vast choice of grips and fixtures available and we have the ability to manufacture bespoke solutions.
  • Short and long travel versions available

Data sheets for the Single Column Materials Testing Machines 1 kN to 5 kN

MTE-1/1L models MTE_1_Universal_Testing_Machines-1-CAT-I-R8 (1)

MTE-5/5L models MTE_5_Universal_Testing_Machines-1-CAT-I-R9 (1)

Contact us today our expert sales engineers will help you choose the correct testing machine & accessories for your testing. 

Is this not the materials testing machine you were looking for? We have a large range of tensile testers available today.

Follow this link for a photobook of the most popular Grips and Fixtures

AML fully supports the Metrotec range of tensile and materials testing machines, we provide calibration and service for this brand and most other leading makes of test equipment.

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