Cobb Tester - Cobb Sizing Tester Semi-Auto | AML Instruments

Cobb Tester – Cobb Sizing Tester Semi-Auto

Cobb Tester – Cobb Sizing Tester Semi-Auto

Manufactured by Techlab Systems

Semi Automated Cobb Tester – Cobb Sizing Tester. A commonly performed test used to determine the water absorption capacity of paper and corrugated cardboard.

Being semi automated this makes the test easier to perform and helps increase repeatability and reproducibility of the testing.

Suitable for both water & oil cobb tests.

Cobb Tester – Cobb Sizing Tester Semi-Auto Features 

How to perform a Cobb Test

Weigh the dry sample to the nearest milligram (0.001 g), pour 100 ml of the test liquid water or oil into the vessel on the tester. Place the paper on the tester with the face to be tested facing upwards. turn the vessel 180 degrees and the level and the timer will start automatically, the test liquid will now be in contact with the paper or board being tested.  When the time has elapsed and audible alarm will sound, return the vessel to its start position. remove the wet sample and with its wet face pointing upwards place on to the blotting paper. After the time specified in the relevant standard for your test place a second blotting paper and using the integrated 10 kg roller eliminate excess liquid, with two rolls, one forwards and one backwards. Now fold the wet sample and weigh and calculate the cobb for your sample in g/m²


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