Materials Testing Tensile Grips and Fixtures Photo Catalogue | AML Instruments
June 12, 2022

Materials Testing Tensile Grips and Fixtures Photo Catalogue


We have produced our new materials testing tensile grips and fixtures photo catalogue. This highlights our most popular ranges of grips and fixtures for a wide range of tests and materials. Because of the vast range of grips and fixtures we supply we only list the more common grips, this too is reflected on our website.

For any grip enquiry its best to speak with one of our specialist they will ensure the best grip or fixture is recommended to meet your exact needs. 

Follow this link for a photobook of the most popular Grips and Fixtures

As well as our standard ranges of grips and fixtures we can produce modified or completely bespoke solutions for just about any test you would want to preform. 

Have you see our range of Universal Testing Machines and Tensile Testers? We have an extensive range of materials testing machines from four leading manufacturers of testing machine. This ensures we will have exactly the correct machine to match your materials testing requirements. We never under or over spec a machine!

Link to our Grips & Fixtures webpages 




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