Carton Force Analyser - CFA Hanatek | AML Instruments

Carton Force Analyser – CFA Hanatek

Carton Force Analyser – CFA Hanatek

Manufactured by Rhopoint Instruments

The Hanatek Carton Force Analyser measures the forces that limit the running speed of folding box board packaging.

By measuring the stiffness of the substrate and crease bending resistance the user can optimise cartons for faster running and packaging speeds. The instrument allows individual creases to be analysed identifying problem areas in packaging design or manufacture.

Industry research indicates that the packaging speeds of pre-glued skillets is governed by the energy required to open creases.

The Hanatek CFA is the first instrument to isolate and accurately measure this key parameter
The instrument measures: Bending resistance, bending moment, bending stiffness, crease recover stiffness, crease folding force, crease opening force.


  • Crease folding force at 90˚
  • Crease folding force at any angle up to 145˚
  • Board stiffness at 15˚
  • Board stiffness at 7.5˚
  • Individual crease opening force
  • Whole carton opening force


  • Touch screen operation for quick, easy operation
  • Variable sample length, rotation speed and crease angle
  • Connect to a network to allow results or printer sharing
  • On-line graphical help ensures consistent operation within test methods
  • Interactive help routines ensure little training required to operate device
  • Pre loaded with ASTM/TAPPI/ISO methods with the ability to create bespoke tests
  • Compliant to all major international standards

Calibration service available please ask for a price.

All specifications, illustrations and descriptions of products are intended to give a general idea of the products available and are subject to alteration. We reserve the right to substitute an alternative of similar specification at our discretion. We have taken all reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy of product information provided, but we accept no liability for any errors or omissions.

Carton Force Analyser Technical specifications

  • Resolution Repeatability
  • Rotation angle(º) 0.01 <0.1
  • Rotation speed(º/s) 0.001 <0.01
  • Sample length (mm) 0.01 <0.05
  • Load Cell (mN) 1 <10
  • Operating system: Windows ( all )
  • Weight: 7kg (Instrument), 4kg (PC)
  • Size: 220 x 225 x 300 mm


  • BS 6965 Creasing properties of carton board. Method for determination of crease recovery (spring back) of 90° fold
  • BS ISO 2493-1:2010 Paper and board. Determination of bending resistance. Constant rate of deflection
  • TAPPI T556 Bending resistance of paper and paperboard by single-point bending method
  • T 543 om-11 Bending resistance of paper (Gurley-type tester)
  • TAPPI/ANSI T 489 om-13 Bending Resistance (Stiffness) of paper and paperboard (Taber-Type Stiffness Tester in basic configuration)
  • SCAN P29 Bending resistance
  • PMI 068 – Philip Morris, Determination of the spring-back force of packaging materials.

Calibration service available please ask for a price.

All specifications, illustrations and descriptions of products are intended to give a general idea of the products available and are subject to alteration. We reserve the right to substitute an alternative of similar specification at our discretion. We have taken all reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy of product information provided, but we accept no liability for any errors or omissions.


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