ST-8893 Anemometer Amecal | AML Instruments

ST-8893 Anemometer Amecal

ST-8893 Anemometer Amecal

This Thermo Anemometer measures Air Velocity, Air Flow and Ambient Temperature. The large LCD display includes primary and secondary displays plus numerous status indicators.

“With temperature measurement included, this is an ideal solution for environmental monitoring”

(Equivalents: Wind Speed Gauge, Air Flow Meter, Thermometer)


• Measures Air Velocity (m/s, ft/min, km/h, mph, Knots), Air Flow, ambient temperature
• Area dimensions easily stored in memory
• Simultaneous display of Air Flow or Velocity plus Ambient Temperature
• Includes low friction 70mm diameter ball bearing vane wheel on 120cm cable

Calibration service available please ask for a price.

All specifications, illustrations and descriptions of products are intended to give a general idea of the products available and are subject to alteration. We reserve the right to substitute an alternative of similar specification at our discretion. We have taken all reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy of product information provided, but we accept no liability for any errors or omissions.

CMM/CFM Thermo Anemometer (AMECaL ST-8893) Specifications:

  • Air Velocity 0.4m/s to 30m/s ±(3%+0.2m/s)
  • Air Flow 0m³/min to 999,900m³/min 0 to 999.9m²
  • Air Temperature -10°C to 60°C ±2°C


EMC; EN: 61326

Calibration service available please ask for a price.

All specifications, illustrations and descriptions of products are intended to give a general idea of the products available and are subject to alteration. We reserve the right to substitute an alternative of similar specification at our discretion. We have taken all reasonable steps to ensure the accuracy of product information provided, but we accept no liability for any errors or omissions.


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