Sample Preparation / Sample Cutters

Showing 13–13 of 13 results


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Benefits of sample cutters and preparation

  • Ensures accurate and repeatable specimens or samples, giving you accurate and meaningful insights in material testing.
  • Multiple applications including preparation, cutting, and testing.
  • All materials supported, from metals and rubber to plastics and paper.
  • Tensile specimen preparation by Die Cutter, Ray-Ran, Rhopoint Instruments, or Techlab Systems.
  • High quality and proven designs from the UK and Europe.

AML Instruments – Tried and Trusted

AML Instruments are industry leaders in test instrumentation supply. We have spent 40 years sourcing, providing, and calibrating the very best in sample cutter equipment and testing.

Stay a cut above the rest by streamlining your cutting processes, optimising workflow, and contributing to  accurate and consistent test results with our sample preparation equipment.