Compression Platens | AML Instruments

Compression Platens

Compression Platens

Compression platens of various materials and sizes for Materials Testing.

Below is a small selection of what we offer, Please see the attached data sheet for more pictures and information, which are part of an even larger collection.

Please contact us with the type of testing you wish to use the compression platens for and our friendly engineers will gladly advise on the best ones for your application.

AML also supply a huge range of other Tensile Tester grips and fixtures

Aluminium Compression Platen TH23-AL

  • For soft samples, card boards, plastics etc.
  • Aluminum anodized
  • Temperature range:-70°C- +180°C
  • Max capacity depends on the size of coupling

Ordering information

Scope of delivery: 1 pair

Item number        Diameter            Coupling     Weight/each platen
TH23-56-B-AL       56mm               B*              ~0.1kg
TH23-96-B-AL       96mm               B*              ~0.3kg
TH23-116-B-AL     116mm             B*              ~0.4kg
TH23-156-B-AL     156mm             B*              ~0.6kg
TH23-196-B-AL     196mm             B*              ~1.2kg
TH23-246-B-AL     246mm             B*              ~1.5kg
TH23-296-B-AL     296mm             B*              ~3.3kgPlatens with other dimensions and surface on request

Steel Compression Platen TH23-ST

For hard materials, steel, plastics, stone etc.

  • Hardened steel 58HRC,black phosphate coating
  • Temperature range:0°C- +350°C
  • Nickel plated:-70°C-+350°C(on request)
  • Max capacity depends on the size of coupling

Ordering information

Scope of delivery: 1 pair

Item number        Diameter            Coupling     Weight/each platen
TH23-56-B-St       56mm               B*              ~0.3kg
TH23-96-B-St       96mm               B*              ~0.7kg
TH23-116-B-St     116mm             B*              ~1.1kg
TH23-156-B-St     156mm             B*              ~1.6kg
TH23-196-B-St     196mm             B*              ~4.0kg
TH23-246-B-St     246mm             B*              ~4.3kg
TH23-296-B-St     296mm             B*              ~9.0kg
TH23-344-B-St     346 mm             B*              –
Platens with other dimensions and surfaces on request



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